Posted by festivalofcolorsnyc in

The Festival of Colors still has room to accommodate any new artists or vendors who may be interested in participating in July. We are looking to support emerging artists as well as looking for organizations or individuals who may be interested in selling items during our Final FĂȘte, which will be taking place on July 25, 2010 from 1-7pm. Because we are also supportive of community endeavors, we are also open to organizations in the surrounding community that may be interested in tabling at the event.
Also, if you are an educator or artist who may be interested in facilitating an activity (i.e. arts and crafts for kids, poetry workshops, open-mic), please know that we are open to your ideas. We want to fill July with many events that our communities can tap into.
About The Village@Gureje:
The Village@Gureje Renate Albertsen-Marton Gallery is an all round hub for community activities ranging from serving as a meeting place for artist, local art organizations or groups, to product launching and development. We provide various assistance to artists through our cooperative residence program in MUSIC, VISUAL ART and THEATER by offering individual or groups to celebrate both talents and interest that generate a learning experience that is both planned and spontaneous.
These programs have been carefully designed to enhance self awareness, spiritual growth and a warm experience through community importance, peace and love for all. The Village @ Gureje is proudly supported by the proceed from our loyal patrons of Gureje Inc.
If you are interested in tabling at the Final Fete, please download and submit our VENDOR FORM
Thank you very much,
Mari Nakano
2010 Festival of Colors
Event Coordinator
For inquiries, please contact me at
You may also stop by The Village@Gureje, 886 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11238 or call 718-857-2522